
It started with a private food log on Instagram in November 2013.  I wanted to keep track of my meals so that I could identify food triggers and snapping a pic was easy. But a few months in I reluctantly opened my account to followers and I was thrilled to discover an entire community of support.  Sometimes my family doesn’t completely understand my passion for paleo social media, but then I remind them that before all of this I never knew anyone who ate like I did…or was choosing to in order to feel well.

This lifestyle didn’t happen overnight for me.  I have been gluten and dairy free since I was a teenager, which was a long time ago (as a mother of 2 teenage boys I am not really a “girl” anymore😉)…back when they called it “wheat free” and everything tasted like cardboard.  Then in about 1998 I eliminated soy and about 2009 I eliminated eggs, in both cases due to allergies I developed.  I never really tolerated beans or grains all that well.  So when I discovered Paleo in the spring of 2013, I felt I had found a name for what I had already discovered worked for me.   I currently follow my own version of AIP/low carb paleo, as I have found that nightshades and too many starchy carbs are still triggers for me.  But if I have discovered anything along the way it is that I will likely need to keep adjusting and adapting, as what works today may not work next week or next year (which I am convinced is at least in part due to our ever evolving microbiome…but I digress).  So welcome along on this journey…glad to have your company along the way.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey! I already reached out to you on Instagram, but I am a huge fan of your page and recipes! I’m working with Mark Sisson (author of The Primal Blueprint, man behind MarksDailyApple.com and Founder of Primal Kitchen) on his newest company: Primal Kitchen. We’d love to send you a sample of our mayo that’s made with avocado oil! No gluten, sugar, dairy, or any other junk. Let me know if you’re interested and we would be happy to get a jar in the mail for you! Feel free to contact me at tori@primalkitchen.com. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just found you on Instagram..Wow!! And your blog is beautiful! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes. I was so happy to read that “works today may not work next week or next year”.. I thought that was just me! I am 18 months into a celiac diagnosis, and while 100% gluten free–everything else is still trial and error. So nice to meet you. 🙂
    Oh, and I sure hope you took Tori ^ up on her offer to send you some Primal Kitchen mayo! I only found it last summer and I really, really like it.


  3. Good Afternoon,

    I work with Bare Bones Broth and we were interested in sending you more information on becoming an ambassador for our broth!

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Thank you and have a great day!



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